History and Highlights

I grew up outside a small town in a rural area of Pennsylvania in a working class family in a working class culture. I had terrible asthma my entire life and spent my time in front of the TV or listening to my parents, family, and their friends tell stories about the old days. An indoor kid. What I didn't know was those stories were my food, feeding my love of tales of different places and what always seemed to be impossible. When I was young I began to write and as I grew older I began to direct my peers in homemade videos, later in plays, as I tried and failed at acting. In college I found a passion for directing, really for experimenting with and refining a vision, and began to learn how to express myself in ways fellow artists can interpret.

As I spend my career between theatre and film, and some worlds in between, I've been lucky to have worked with some of who I consider to be the best writers and artists of my generation, some known, some not. It would be foolish to try to list them all, but a few of my favorite experiences were, in no particular order, directing Joshua Conkel's off--ff-Broadway hit The House of Von Macramé at the Bushwick Starr, Martyna Majok's John, who's here from Cambridge which won awards, was published, received a NYT's critic's pick, and she later expanded to a full length, all of my work with novelist Joseph Riippi whose play/novel Research I still find to be one of the most thrilling pieces of writing so many have yet to discover. And of course, the most rewarding work I've done in years was on "Unicornland" collaborating with Lucy Gillespie to create a truly unique series and with Laura Ramadei in rendering her character. 

When I look at my career I feel luckiest to have worked on such a wide diversity of projects: different genres, voices of writers, styles of acting. From devising dance movement pieces with Sarita Lou or directing a drag play by Tony Meneses or plotting mad blood effects with Waldo Warshaw, I love to approach collaboration head on and aim at the impossible to make it reality. Outside of my directing work, I've had the pleasure of developing the work of countless writers including Robert Askins, Krista Knight, Anna Moench, Monet Hurst-Mendoza, Catya McMullen to name just a few.

I love what I do, the people I tell stories with, and hope, if nothing else, to draw you into one of those stories if only for a moment.


Select Images

Selected images below feature scenes from "Unicornland," John, who's here from Cambridge (written by Martyna Majok), and The House of Von Macramé (written by Joshua Conkel).